Monday, December 20, 2010

1. Bersikap proaktif

2. Berpikirlah dalam setiap tindakan.

3. Utamakan yang utama (First Thing First)

4. Berpikir dan bersikap menang-menang

5. Cobalah untuk terlebih dahulu mengerti orang lain sebelum dimengerti orang lain

6. Wujudkan sinergi

7. "Asahlah gergaji" atau biasakan melakukan pengembangan diri

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

zikir akbar

Lirik lagu daerah di Negara Indonesia

Si Patokaan - Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

Sayang sayang si patokaan
Matego tego gorokan sayang
Sayang sayang si patokaan
Matego tego gorokan sayang
Sako mangemo tanah man jauh
Mangemo milei leklako sayang

Yamko Rambe Yamko - Provinsi Papua / Irian Jaya

Hee yamko rambe yamko aronawa kombe
Hee yamko rambe yamko aronawa kombe

Teemi nokibe kubano ko bombe ko
Yuma no bungo awe ade
Teemi nokibe kubano ko bombe ko
Yuma no bungo awe ade

Hongke hongke hongke riro

Burung Tantina - Provinsi Maluku / Ambon

Sio tantina burung tantina
mati dipanah Raja Nirwana
Sio tantina burung tantina
mati dipanah Raja Nirwana
Sakitnya bukan sakit penyakit
Khabarnya datang dari Sri Rama
Sakitnya bukan sakit penyakit

Lir Ilir - Provinsi Jawa Tengah

Lir ilir lir ilir tandure wong sumilir
Tak ijo royo royo
Tak sengguh panganten anyar
Cah angon cah angon penekna blimbing kuwi
Lunyu lunyu penekna kanggo mbasuh dodotira
Dodotira dodotira kumintir bedah ing pinggir



Suwe Ora Jamu - Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Suwe ora jamu
Jamu godhong tela
Suwe ora ketemu
Ketemu pisan gawe gela
Suwe ora jamu
Jamu godhong tela
Suwe ora ketemu
Ketemu pisan gawe gela

Keroncong Kemayoran - Provinsi DKI Jakarta / Betawi

La la la la la la la laaa
Laju laju perahu laju
Jiwa manis indung di sayang
La la la la la la la la laaa
Laju sekali laju sekali ke surabaya

Belenong di pinggir kali
Dengan Keroncong senang sekali

Ayo Mama - Provinsi Maluku / Ambon

ayam hitam telurnya putih
mencari makan di pinggir kali
sinyo hitam giginya putih
kalau ketawa manis sekali

ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
dia cuma cuma pegang beta
ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta

Tanase - Provinsi Maluku / Ambon

e tanase tanase bay bay
e tanase tanase tanase tikam matae
juru mudi tomang putar haluan
e tanase tanase timbul di bulan bulan

e tanase tanase tanase tikam matae
yang pawela panggayoh panggayoh hasa hasa



Pepaya mangga Pisang Jambu

Pepaya mangga pisang jambu
Dibawa dari pasar minggu
Disana banyak penjualnya
Dikota banyak pembelinya

Papaya buah yang berguna
Bentuknya sangat sederhana
Pasanya manis tidak kalah
Membikin badan sehat segar

Buka Pintu - Provinsi Maluku / Ambon

buka pintu buka pintu, beta mau masuke
siolah nona nona beta, adalah di mukae
beta panggil tidak menyahut, buka pintu juga tidak mau
siolah nona beta mau masuke he he he he

buka pintu buka pintu, beta mau masuke

Anak Kambing Saya - Provinsi Nusa Tenggara

mana dimana anak kambing saya
anak kambing tuan ada di pohon waru
mana dimana jantung hati saya
jantung hati tuan ada di kampung baru

caca marica he hei
caca marica he hei
caca marica ada di kampung baru

Tokecang - Provinsi Jawa Barat / Sunda

Tokecang tokecang bala gendir tosblong
Angeun kacang sapependil kosong

Aya listrik di masigit meuni caang katingalna
Aya istri jangkung alit karangan dina pipina

Tokecang tokecang bala gendir tosblong



Pinang Muda - Provinsi Sumatra

Pinang muda pinang muda dibelah dua
Pinang muda pinang muda dibelah dua
Manik-manik sekepal digenggam berkilau bersinar merembah
Manik-manik sekepal digenggam berkilau bersinar merembah
Dari muda ke tua petuah jangan diubah

Rek Ayo Rek - Provinsi Jawa Timur

Rek ayo rek mlaku mlaku nang tunjungan
Rek ayo rek rame rame bebarengan
Mangan tahu jadhi campur nganggo timun
Malam minggu gak apik dhigawa nglamun
Ngalor ngidur liwat took numpak motor
Masih untung nyenggal nyenggol ati lega

Sansaro - Provinsi Sumatera Barat / Padang

Usah dikanalah juo cinto kito nan lamo
Bia denai kok sansaro mandi si aia mato
Sadah kok dikana kini
Sadiah kasiahlah dipadu oi kanduang
Usah dikanalah juo dinto kito nan lamo
Sansai juo sansai juo oi iyo lah sansai

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cara mencari peluang praktik cerdas oleh Donor Asing

Untuk mendapatkan praktik cerdas dapat melalui seleksi tertulis bagi semua pelaku pembangunan di KTI. Beberapa metode dilakukan untuk dapat mencari yang berkualitas. Metode yang pertama adalah dengan mengundang para pelaku praktik cerdas untuk
mengirimkan artikel mengenai inisiatif cerdas yang mereka lakukan di komunitasnya. Inisiatif‐inisiatif cerdas yang teridentifikasi melalui proses ini kemudian diseleksi lebih lanjut oleh tim.
Adapun kriteria yang digunakan dalam proses seleksi artikel maupun scouting adalah:
1. Inovatif. Merupakan inisiatif yang baru atau hasil replikasi dari daerah lain tetapi telah
disesuaikan dengan kondisi setempat.
2. Partisipatif. Setidaknya melibatkan dua pemangku kepentingan tingkat lokal dan berdasarkan
kebutuhan masyarakat.
3. Berlanjut. Kegiatan telah dilakukan setidaknya dua tahun dan masih berlangsung saat ini disertai
rencana untuk dilanjutkan di waktu yang akan datang. Kegiatan juga masih terus berjalan
dengan pendanaan mandiri dari masyarakat.
4. Akuntabel. Kegiatan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dan transparan bagi seluruh pihak, termasuk
masyarakat, tanpa terkecuali.
5. Berpihak pada masyarakat miskin dan berkeadilan jender. Kegiatan dapat memberi manfaat
kepada masyarakat miskin serta berdampak dan dikerjakan dengan prinsip‐prinsip kesetaraan
6. Dampak nyata. Ada perubahan positif yang nyata terlihat atau dialami oleh masyarakat penerima manfaat.

kriteria No 1 sd 6 adalahd kriteria yang super bila ditemukan mungkin hanya 1 atau 2 praktik cerdas yang ada dengan 6 kriteria yang sangat inovatif.
Semoga para praktikers bisa terinspirasi sehingga berjuanglah anda tanpa mengaharapkan terpilih sebagai best practice.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Masageng Andreansyah

Jl. Sapta No 27, South Jakarta, Indonesia

Tel: 62-21 8292146 - 87740389 – Mobile : 062 – 0818 08759248 - 34178741

Email : –


Professional Objective

Information Technology seeking similar position in a progressive computer hardware and software distributor. Has extensive experience in similar position and is willing to apply personal skills in prioritizing, leadership and communication of skills in program writing and building of both local area and online networks. I believe my past experience in networking will be an added advantage and an asset to the organization.

Researched and established technological systems on several floors

Designed and tested networking systems

Implemented suitable networking systems for different levels and different floors

Maintained servers for the organization's websites

Monitored existing databases and ensured the security of stored information

Regulated the access of individuals to information stored in company databases

Updated hardware and software

Researched and kept up to date with latest developments in the field of networking

Diagnosed software and computer problems for customers

Trained the recruited IT staff

Documented systems

Installed and configured new and refurbished computers

Repaired refurbished computers and customers' computers

Maintained equipment for inventory such as adapters and cables

Diagnosed and repaired scanner, printer and copier problems as well as maintaining them

Installing of cables

Evaluated new software


Professional Experience


November 2006 – March 2009, IT Staff

Putra Sampoerna Foundation, Business Unit Sampoerna School Business Management ITB.

Job Desc :



Responsible and Support & Essential Facilities operational Audio Visual school business management ITB day by day the company's hardware and software reporting systems.

Assist students Computer Access, foto copy, printing area student and HelpDesk IT Support provide ssbm itb Jakarta campus.

Responsible, assist and manage daily wireless access internet connection policy for student access by notebook, pda, blackberry or other devices.

Maintained and managed Windows 2003 active directory server, windows 2003 server for mail server.

Securing network resources with shared folder permissions, Implementing file security system

Responsible deploying, implemented IT policy for employee, students and manage daily activity application server such as system informasi academic, print server, proquest, digital library, employee file sharing folder, sf-intranet, ibcc, cce, bfdp,, sbm-intranet, online library, Permintaan Permohonan Dana (PPD), Moodle, Solomon for voucher taxi request and travel approval form.

Maintenance Periodically Accurate Accounting System server.

Prepared, manage and maintenance proxy server for blocking inappropriate access such as pornography, yahoo messenger or no internet related applications for employee.

Maintenance daily activity server backup tape driver HP Ultrium for disaster backup recovery system application Symantec Veritas Net Backup.

Maintenance daily activity update, pacthing McAfee Antivirus and Symantec Antivirus Server.

Advised company and responsible regarding all trouble shooting, issued all matter relating operational Sampoerna school business management ITB Jakarta campus.

Performed and supervised all event, in house training, guest lecturer on saturday, sunday class Executive MBA program.

Performance tuning using performance monitor and event viewer to identify and resolve performance bottleneck

Implementation and administration of Check Point Firewalls & network Management

Assist corporate support manager in provide monthly review information technology.

Day to day, NT System Administration and troubleshooting using Server Manager, User Manager for Domains, Network Monitor, Event Viewer, Performance Monitor and NT/Exchange command line and Resource Kit Utilities


Januari 2004 – November 2006, Technical Support Accurate Accounting Software

PT. Cipta Piranti Sukses Software ( CPSSoft)


Job Desc:




Implemented and deploy accurate accounting software client – server company

Diagnose trouble shooting accurate accounting onsite client company

Designed interconnection database accurate accounting software between branch and central company tested networking systems.

Monitored existing databases and ensured the security of stored information

Regulated the access of individuals to information stored in company databases

Updated hardware and software

Researched and kept up to date with latest developments in the field of information technology.

Diagnosed software and computer problems for customers

Trained the accurate accounting staff

Documented systems

Installed and configured new and refurbished computers

Repaired refurbished computers and customers' computers

Maintained equipment for inventory such as adapters and cables

Diagnosed and repaired scanner, printer and copier problems as well as maintaining them

Installing of cables

Evaluated new software



Januari 2002 – Januari 2004, Information Technology Staff

PT Batavia Indo Maya, Internet Service Provider


Job Desc :

Met with clients for consultation sessions

Studied client companies and organizations.

Studied client products and services

Suggested best marketing tool for websites based on studies carried out on the company and products or services offered

Wrote proposals and drafted feasibility reports

Designed and developed websites in accordance with specifications given by clients

Implemented modifications in websites for clients

Edited developed websites

performed onsite support for data center that included configuring and monitoring network alerts, server administration and system alarms.

Analyzed data

Internet Monitored and maintained on network operation control data analysis software using MRTG

Developed data analysis software to support the systems in use.

Performance tuning using performance monitor and event viewer to identify and resolve performance bottleneck


November 1999 – Februari 2001, Technical Support Computer System,

PT. Rahayu Prima Computer,




Job Desc:

Installed all major peripheral computer

Monitored and repaired all electrical appliances

Controlled and maintained other devices such as mainboards etc costumers

Upgraded peripheral and devices computers appliances

After sales service maintenance computer

Build a personal computer by request for company or individual.

Install antivirus personal computer onsite visiting company

Check performance condition personal computer and server update and pacth software.

Service printer and diagnose networking cable local area connection.

Assist costumer how to operate the computer.











Februari 1999 – Oktober 1999, Manager,

Graha Computer,




Job Desc:

Prepared financial report and analysis

Monitored Account payable and account receivable

Developing / Improved system and procedure of accounting, finance, warehouse and purchasing (Manual to computerized using MYOB)

Monitored and analyzed database for new and current product, price list for all zones, customer analysis and market analysis all department.

Handling Petty cash and Banking transaction

Maintaining data and reconcile to MYOB financial System

Prepared Payroll (7 staff)

Supervised 2 Finance for different department

Assisted in the planning of modifications to existing regional network infrastructure

Oversaw the implementation of modifications or complete overhaul of regional network infrastructure

Oversaw the maintenance of the company's infrastructure

Oversaw the administration and the maintenance of the organization's WAN

Managed, maintained and upgraded computer networks and telephone systems within the organization

Trained recently employed staff

Organized for and facilitated training of staff

Update item and peripheral price list to different vendor and distributor




Education Background

1. Drop Out 1998, S1, Management Information, University Gunadarma with 8 Semester , Jakarta ( Crisis Economic = Global Crisis Year ).

2. 1994 : 28 Oktober 1928 High School Jakarta

3. 1991 : 15 Junior High School Jakarta








Courses :

1998 – 1999, English Course at LIA MT Haryono - Certified

1997 – 1999, Course of Accurate Accounting Software – Certified provided by Accurate Accounting Software

2007, Course of Service Quality Center – Certified provided by Sampoerna Foundation

1998, Course of Internet at Lepkom University Gunadarma – Certified provided by University Gunadarma

1998, Course of LAN at Lepkom University Gunadarma – Certified provided by University Gunadarma

1999, Course of Computer Assembling and Troubleshooting at Lepkom University Gunadarma – Certified provided by University Gunadarma

1998, Course of Novel Netware LAN 3.12 t at Lepkom University Gunadarma – Certified provided by University Gunadarma

1998, Course of Microsoft Windows at Lepkom University Gunadarma – Certified provided by University Gunadarma

1998, Course of Programming Visual Basic at Lepkom University Gunadarma – Certified provided by University Gunadarma

1998, Course of Mambo Content Management System at Lepkom University Gunadarma – Certified provided by University Gunadarma



Skills :


    ▪ English – Active



▪ Window Operating System

▪ Ms Office Program

▪ E-SPT Program for Tax Report

▪ Accurate Program for Accounting

▪ MYOB Program for Accounting

▪ Fina Program for Accounting




Cisco Routers: (1605, 2500, 3640, 4000, 7500, 6400, 7100, 7200)
Bay Routers: (28200/5000/350/252/250)
Switches: Cisco (Catalyst 5000, 5500, 6000, 8500)
CSU/DSU: Kentrox
Load Balancer: Link proof, WSD - Radware Inc.
Firewalls: Cisco Pix Firewall 520/515, CheckPoint 4.1
Servers: Dell Poweredge (6350, 2450, 4350), Compaq (Proliant DL360 G5, DL180, 6500, 8000, 85000, CL380), HP (e-200, e-800, ih-3000, ih 6000HP), Digital, IBM, Acer, Sun (E6500, E450, Ultra 10, Ultra 5), RaQ 2- Linux Box
Workstation Tools: Exceed, MS suite, Citrix clients



Operating Systems: Cisco IOS software 12.1/12.0/11.3/11.2/11.1, Solaris 2.6/2.7/2.8, Windows XP/ 2000/NT/3.11/95/98, Linux 6.2, Ubuntu, Mac OS Snow Leopard 6.12, Novell IntraNetware 3.xx & 4.x, Dos 3/4/5/6
Network Security/Monitoring Tools: RealSecure ISS Intrusion Detection System, Sniffer, Hp OpenView, Cisco Intrusion detector.
Application Software: MS BackOffice Server 4.5/4.3, MS Exchange Server 5.5/5.0/4.0/2003, MS Proxy Server 2.0, IIS 5.0/4.0/3.0, MS SQL Server 6.5, Outlook Web Access/IMAP/POP3/ LDAP, MS Outlook 2000/98/97/2003 Exchange client 5.0/4.0,Visio 2007. Lotus Notes 4.5, Lotus SmartSuite, MS -Office 97 suite,Office2003/2007, Transient (SNMP), Netscape Navigator, Mcafee Antivirus, Norton Antivirus, Winstaller 5.1 32 bit, Winframe, GWI, Configware 2.01
Enterprise Tools: Veritas Backup Exec 8.0, Cheyenne Arcserve, Symantec Ghost 5.1c, Norton AntiVirus Enterprise, TrendMicro ScanMail 2.51, NAI's Groupshield 4.0.2, Seagate Crystal Reports 7.0, PC Anywhere 10.5, HP JetAdmin 3.0



Hobbies & Interests

Bicycle, Exploring new gadget, game online




Personal Information

Full Name         :    Masageng Andreansyah

Date of Birth        :     August 28th, 1975

Sex            :    Male

Marital Status    :     Married have 2 children

Religion        :     Moslem

Blood Type        :    AB +

KTP            :    09. 5301.280875.0365

NPWP         :

ID Passport        :    

Last Salary        :    IDR 4,000,000/ THP



Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yarham Djamaluddin السقاف Puang Ramma Sirrahu Qaddasallahu ، Mursyid Khalwatiyah الشيخ
ودعا Jam'iyah Khalwatiyah الدينية
يوسف Makassary. تأسست
في 8 سبتمبر 2006 ليتزامن
مع Syaban 15 1427

Friday, July 23, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Application Form A: About your organization (within 1 page)


  1. Name of the organization:







  1. Brief description of the organization:







  1. Name of the representative of the organization:



  1. Name of contact:




  1. Country:


  1. State/ City:


  1. Postal Mailing address:


  1. Telephone:


  1. Fax:


  1. E-mail address:


  1. Website


Application Form B: Statement of your grass-roots activities for resolving water issues (within 2 pages)


  1. Name of the activities:

*Brief, clear and short name which described your activities (Within 15 words)


  1. Location of the activity projects with map and photos:


  1. Description of the water issues with photos:

*Brief and clear description of the present water-related issues you are trying to resolve


  1. Description of your grass-roots activities for resolving these water issues:

*Brief and clear description of your plan of grass-roots activities for resolving these water issues.

*If your activities are related to wells for drinking water, please describe how you check water qualities.


  1. Impact of your grass-roots activities on the water issues:

*Prospective positive impact of your activities should be clearly described.


  1. The number of direct beneficiaries of your activities:

*Total number (men/women/children) of direct beneficiaries of your activities should be described.


  1. Stakeholder participation:

* The contribution of all types of stakeholders who participated in planning and implementing the activities should be clearly described.


  1. Sustainability:

*The plans for sustaining the activities should be clearly described.


  1. Schedule:

*The schedule of your activities should be clearly described.

*The activities must be completed by the due date of submitting the report.


  1. Have you ever received a Japan Water Forum Fund before?

Yes / No If your answer is yes, please indicate the year:

Application Form C: Total cost of your grass-roots activity for resolving water issues


Total cost of completing your activity: (US$

Amount requested to the JWF fund: (US$(Within 1,000US$)



Unit cost(US$)




Total Amount


Local contribution


Ground total amount


*This budget chart must be filled in US$


Total cost of completing your activity: 1,103 US$

Amount requested to the fund: 950US$ (Within 1,000US$)



Unit cost 



3 tube well


Digging instruments  




Cement, for 30 of cement rings




Steel rod for 30 of cement rings 




Sand for 30 of cement rings & filtering  




Construction of Platform for 3 tube wells 

Cement for Platform around the well 












Training programme

Materials like notebook, pen etc. 




Total amount 


Well users contribution 

1$ / 153 households




Ground total amount


Application Form D: Other information

(Please answer these questions below)

1. Does your organization or the representative of your organization have a US$ or EUR or YEN or Local currency bank account?

Yes / No

If your answer is yes, which account does he/she/it have?

US$ / EUR / YEN / Local currency ( )

<Remittance information> *Please ask your Bank if you do not know these detail information.

Account Name:


Address of Account Holder:




Bank Name:


Branch Name:


Account No./IBAN Code:


Address of Bank:









2. Even though the grant is (up to) 1,000 US$, the net amount you will finally receive on your bank account may be lower due to bank charges, transfer charges, etc. Do you agree with it? Yes /

*Please note that the JWF does not cover any remittance charges. 

3. Do you agree that you will submit a report following the "JWF Fund Report" format, with some related pictures and the actual expenditure shown on an attached table by February 15th, 2010 if you are selected as a recipient of a grant from the JWF Fund?

*Please note that recipients of a grant from the JWF Fund must submit the report on the use of the grant.

Yes, we will submit the report by February 15th, 2011.

4. Do you agree that your report including pictures will be used under the name of the Japan Water Forum?

Yes, we agree that our report including pictures will be used under the name of the Japan Water Forum.

5. Do you agree that you will participate in the follow-up surveys of JWF Fund occasionally?

Yes, we will participate in the follow-up surveys of JWF Fund.

Please note: The name of your organization, the name of the activities as well as the result of screening will be published on the Japan Water Forum web page. Also, photos you provide us with will be used by JWF.


Aplikasi Formulir A: Tentang organisasi Anda (dalam 1 halaman)

1. Nama organisasi:

2. Gambaran singkat mengenai organisasi:

3. Nama wakil organisasi:


4. Nama kontak:



5. Negara:

6. Negara / Kota:
7. Postal Alamat surat:

8. Telepon:

9. Fax:

10. E-mail:

11. Situs web

Aplikasi Formulir B: Laporan kegiatan Anda-akar rumput untuk menyelesaikan masalah air (dalam waktu 2 halaman)

1. Nama kegiatan:
* Brief, nama jelas dan singkat yang menggambarkan aktivitas Anda (dalam waktu 15 kata-kata)

2. Lokasi proyek aktivitas dengan peta dan foto:

3. Keterangan tentang masalah air dengan foto:
* Singkat dan deskripsi yang jelas tentang isu-isu yang terkait dengan air sekarang Anda mencoba untuk menyelesaikan

4. Deskripsi kegiatan Anda-akar rumput untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu air:
* Singkat dan deskripsi yang jelas tentang rencana kegiatan-akar rumput untuk menyelesaikan masalah air.
* Jika aktivitas Anda yang berkaitan dengan sumur untuk air minum, jelaskan bagaimana Anda memeriksa kualitas air.

5. Dampak kegiatan Anda akar rumput pada isu-isu air:
* Dampak positif Calon kegiatan Anda harus jelas digambarkan.

6. Jumlah penerima manfaat langsung dari kegiatan Anda:
* Jumlah (/ laki-laki perempuan / anak) dari penerima manfaat langsung dari kegiatan Anda harus dijelaskan.

7. Stakeholder partisipasi:
* Kontribusi dari semua jenis stakeholder yang berpartisipasi dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan harus jelas digambarkan.

8. Keberlanjutan:
* Rencana untuk mempertahankan kegiatan harus jelas digambarkan.

9. Jadwal:
* Jadwal kegiatan Anda harus jelas digambarkan.
* Kegiatan harus diselesaikan pada tanggal jatuh tempo penyampaian laporan.

10. Apakah Anda pernah menerima Forum Air Jepang Dana sebelumnya?
Ya / Tidak Jika jawaban Anda adalah ya, silakan menunjukkan tahun:
Aplikasi Formulir C: Total biaya aktivitas akar rumput untuk menyelesaikan masalah air

 Total biaya menyelesaikan aktivitas Anda: (US $)
Jumlah diminta untuk dana JWF: (US $) (Dalam US $ 1000)
Item Konten Unit cost (US $) Kuantitas Jumlah (US $)

Total Jumlah
Kontribusi Lokal
Ground jumlah total
* Bagan anggaran ini harus diisi dalam US $
Total biaya menyelesaikan aktivitas Anda: US $ 1.103
Jumlah diminta untuk dana: 950US $ (Dalam US $ 1000)
Item Konten Kuantitas Jumlah Unit cost
3 sumur
Menggali instrumen 4 12 48
Semen, selama 30 cincin semen 15 15 225
Batang baja untuk 30 dari cincin semen 10 15 150
Pasir untuk 30 dari cincin semen & penyaringan 10 3 30
Pembangunan Platform untuk 3 sumur tabung Semen untuk Platform di sekitar sumur 10 21 210
Pasir 10 12 120
Batu 10 12 120
Bahan Pelatihan program seperti notebook, pena dll 1 100 100
Jumlah total 1.103
pengguna Yah kontribusi 1 $ / 153 rumah tangga 1 153 -153
Jumlah total tanah 950
Formulir Aplikasi D: Informasi lainnya
(Harap menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini)
1. Apakah organisasi Anda atau perwakilan organisasi Anda memiliki US $ atau EUR atau mata uang YEN atau rekening bank lokal?
0Yes / 0No
Jika jawaban Anda adalah ya, account yang dia / dia / itu telah?
0US $ / 0EUR / 0YEN mata uang / 0Local ()
<Remittance Information> * Silahkan bertanya Anda Bank jika Anda tidak tahu detail informasi ini.
Nama Account:
Alamat Pemegang Rekening:
Nama Bank:
Nama Cabang:
No account / IBAN Kode:
Alamat Bank:

2. Meskipun hibah tersebut (hingga) US $ 1000, jumlah bersih akhirnya Anda akan menerima di rekening bank Anda mungkin lebih rendah karena biaya bank, biaya transfer, dll Apakah Anda setuju dengan itu? 0Yes / 0 Tidak ada
* Harap diperhatikan bahwa JWF tidak mencakup biaya pengiriman.
3. Apakah Anda setuju bahwa Anda akan menyampaikan laporan mengikuti format "" JWF Laporan Dana, dengan beberapa gambar terkait dan pengeluaran aktual ditampilkan pada tabel terlampir dengan 15 Februari 2010 jika Anda dipilih sebagai penerima hibah dari Dana JWF ?
* Harap diperhatikan bahwa penerima hibah dari Dana JWF harus menyerahkan laporan penggunaan dana tersebut.
0 Ya, kita akan menyerahkan laporan dengan 15 Februari 2011.
4. Apakah Anda setuju bahwa laporan Anda termasuk gambar akan digunakan di bawah nama Forum Air Jepang?
0 Ya, kita setuju bahwa laporan kami termasuk gambar akan digunakan atas nama Forum Air Jepang.
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Jangan Tunjukkan Muka Masam Ke Anak Saat Pulang Kerja

January 27, 2010 · Filed under Pendidikan, anak dan lingkungan

London, Anak  yang melihat orang tuanya  pulang  bekerja dengan  kondisi  tertekan , akan  membuat  anak   ikut  tertekan.   Orang  tua  yang  selalu  terlihat  capek  usai  pulang  kerja  akan  berdampak  anak kehilangan  minat atau  semangat  sekolah.

Tanpa  disadari  , orang  tua  yang  memaksakan  dirinya  bekerja  terlalu  keras  dikantor  dapat  membahayakan  sikap  anaknya . Ini  karena  orang  tua  terkadang  suka  membawa  tekanan  dari  kantor  saat  pulang  kerumah.

Sebuah  studi  menunjukkan  ibu  dan  ayah  yang  terlalu  keras  bekerja  ada  kemungkinan  membawa  rasa  kecewa  dan  kelelahannya  kehadapan  anaknya.  Akibatnya  anak-anak  menjadi  lebih  mudah  khawatir , sinis  terhadap  nilai  pelajaran  dan  ujian  bahkan  sulit  untuk  berkonsentrasi  dan  mudah  lelah.

Apalagi  jika  masalah tersebut  sudah  menyangkut  keuangan  . Anak  yang  mengetahui  persoalan  ini  akan  lebih  buruk  keadaanya.

Studi  yang  dilakukan  oleh  Academy of  Finland's   educational  menanyai  lebih  dari  500  remaja  mengenahi  gejala  mudah  lelah  ,perasaan  tidak  mampu   sebagai  siswa  dan  sinisme  terhadap  nilai  sekolah. Orang  tua  juga  ditanya  mengenahi  pekerjaan  serta  kebiasaanya  setelah  pulang  kerja.  Orang tua  yang  lelah  secara  fisik  dan  emosional  lebih  cederung  memiliki  anak  yang  bernasib  sama  dengannya  saat  disekolah. Hal  ini  dapat  membuat  anak  tidak  berminat  untuk  belajar  dan  sekolah. Hasil  penelitian  ini  telah  dilaporkan  dalam  European  Journal  of  Developmental  Psychology.

"Hal  ini  bisa  mempengaruhi  pendidikan  si anak . Selain  itu  keuangan  keluarga  juga  menjadi  faktor  yang  penting.  Semakin  besar  tingkat  kekhawatiran  mengenai keuangan  keluarga  , maka  efeknya  juga  akan  semakin  buruk."

Para  ahli  di Inggris  mengungkapkan  hal  ini  disebabkan  karena  anak-anak  menyerap  kekhawatiran  orang  tuanya   serta  ada  kemungkinan  si anak  kurang  mendapatkan  perhatian  dari  orang tua.

" Akibatnya  orang  tua  datang  ke rumah  dengan  keadaan  capek  dan  lelah  serta  tidak  memiliki  waktu  yang  banyak  dengan  anak-anaknya  untuk  sekedar  berbicara  atau  mendengar  ceritanya  .Hal  ini  juga  bisa  mempengaruhi  kesehatan  dan  pendidikkannya."ujar  Prof  Gary  Cooper.  (ver/ ir)

Setiap anak-cucu Adam pasti pernah melakukan dosa. Dan sebaik-baik orang yang melakukan dosa adalah mereka yang segera memohon taubat kepada Rabb-Nya (Khutbah Shalat Jumat Masjid Indonesia Kairo, Mesir)...Mari kita manfaatkan kesempatan bertaubat yang senantiasa diberikan Sang Maha Rahman walaupun betapa pahamnya Alloh akan sifat kita yang cenderung ingkar akan berbagai nikmat yang dikaruniakan-Nya...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Waka Waka (this Time For Africa) lyrics

You're a good soldier
Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up
And dust yourself off
Get back in the saddle
You're on the front line
Everyone's watching
You know it's serious
We're getting closer
This isn't over

The pressure's on; you feel it
But you got it all; believe it
When you fall, get up, oh oh
And if you fall, get up, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Cause this is Africa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

Listen to your god; this is our motto
Your time to shine
Don't wait in line
Y vamos por todo
People are raising their expectations
Go on and feel it
This is your moment
No hesitation

Today's your day
I feel it
You paved the way,
Believe it
If you get down
Get up oh, oh
When you get down,
Get up eh, eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

these lyrics are submitt