Monday, January 30, 2012
Dear all,
Masalah NRW masih jadi masalah besar bagi sebagian besar PDAM. Angka NRW rata-rata nasional 33,2%. Angka ini sebetulnya meragukan, karena sebagian besar PDAM tidak mempunyai meter induk. Saya percaya angkanya lebih besar dari itu, dan kalau tidak ada tindakan nyata bisa lebih besar lagi dimasa depan.
Terdapat beberapa kemajuan dalam penurunan NRW di PDAM, seperti yang disebutkan Pak Perez (kota Banjarmasin, Palembang!), PDAM Intan Banjar, Pontianak dan beberapa PDAM lainnya, telah menunjukkan kemajuan yang berarti. Ada yang sudah mulai dengan upaya yang baik (on the right track), walaupun belum menunjukkan kemajuan yang berarti, namun pada saatnya akan mencapai kemajuan. Namu sebagian besar masih bergulat menurunkan NRW, sebut saja Semarang, Padang, Pekanbaru, Bandaceh, Bandar Lampung, Bandung, Semarang, Jayapura, dan masih banyak lagi, Jakartapun (Aetra & Palyaja) tidak banyak kemajuan.
Memang ada yang menggezmbirakan, ada beberapa PDAM sangat memehami dan berkomitmen untuk menurunkan NRW, ada yang sudah mulai nampak hasilnya, ada yang belum. terlebih lagi ada Kepala Daerah yang sudah memberikan target penurunan NRW (Malang, Surabaya, Kab Purworejo dan beberapa lagi).
Sebagian besar PDAM tidak memahmi konteks NRW dengan pengelolaan perusahaan, sebagian lagi tidak memliki komitmen, karena mereka lebih prioritas dengan hal yang lain, eperti tarif dan alssan lain.
Pada waktu yang lau upya penurunan NRW merupakan upya trial and error, karena memang tidak ada yang tpaham bagaimana menurunkan NRW dengan efektif. Tapi dalam 10 tahun terakhir metode penurunan NRW telah berembang dengan pesat, dan penurunan NRW saat ini sudah cukup sistematik dan efektif.
WB Easycalc memang hanya alat, akan berguna kalau kita memahami cara menggunakannya. Beberapa tahun yang lalu ketika belum ada software semacam itu, saya menghitung water balance tanpa kesulitan menggunakan excel atau kalukulator. Yang lebih penting dari software, adalah bagaimana memehami NRW beserta komponennya, dan penyebab-penyebabnya di lapangan. Artinya software bisa disisi katakan dengan angka sembarang, water balance bisa dihasilkan. Maka lebih penting lagi adalah bagaimana memindahkan data dan fakte lapangan menjadi input yang valid bagi perhitungan water balance melalui software.
Sejak bersama-sama pak Roland menyelanggarakan seri workshop NRW dari tahun 2004 sd 2006, untuk kira2 50 PDAM, dan beberapa workshop NRW baik dari PERPAMSI dengan teman lain (termasuk pak Perez) maupun BPPSPAM, telah banyak personil PDAM yang paham soal NRW. Ada pula upaya piloting di beberapa PDAM dengan harapan rekan-rekan PDAM bisa mnghubungkan teori dan mendapatkan pengalaman lapangan.
Mengapa NRW tidak turun-turun juga ?
Konteks peramsalahan NRW yang komprehensip tidak terlalu dipahami oleh sebagian teman-teman PDAM, mereka tahu ada kehilangan air, tapi bagaimana menyikapinya dalam operasional sehari-hari, dan tidak ada tindakan nyata. Bagian terpenting dari NRW adalah pengukuran. Saya rasa semua tahu kalau banyak PDAM tidak punya meter induk, kenapa tidak menyediakan meter induk ? Meter pelanggan umumnya sudah tua, tidak ada kalibrasi, akibatnya akurasinya rendah.
Bagaiamana kita bisa mengendalikan kalau kita tidak bisa diukur ?
Masalah utama NRW di indonesia adalah kehilangan fisik. Memang betul yang paling bisa dicatat dan frekuensinya paling sering terjadi adalah kehilangan komersial, namun dari vlume air yang hilang lebih besar kehilangan fisik daripada kehilangan komersial. Namun yang memberikan dampak tambahan pendapatan secara langsung/cepat adalah penurunan kehilangan komersial. Banyak yang menganggap penurunan NRW buayanya tinggi, betul untuk penurunan kehilangan fisik, namun banyak contoh sukses yang menurunkan NRW dengan upaya yang murah. Seringkali manfaat penurunan NRW secara finansial tidak ditunjukkan sehingga penurunan NRW dianggap mahal.
Memberikan pemahaman penurunan NRW penting, karena nyatanya banyak yang tidak paham. Membuat DMA utk pilot adalah unutk memberikan pemahaman lapangan karakteristik jaringan. Selanjutnya tergantung dari PDAM sendiri, terutama dari pimpinannya, dan apakh terjadi pembelajaran yang cepat berdasarkan pengetahuan lapangan dan pemehaman terhadap NRW sendiri. Betul kata Pak Perez, NRW hanya turun di lapangan yang nyata, bukan dibelakang meja. Kita memerlukan tindakan nyata.
Kebijakan mengenai penurunan NRW sendiri saat ini sudah ada namun masih kurang menggigit. Sebagai contoh penurunan NRW merupakan salah satu syarat bagi PDAM yang melakukan restrukturisasi hutang. NRW menjadi salah satu indikator utk penilaian kinerja PDAM. Itu kebijakan yang sifatnya "enabling environment". Direct intervention juga ada, contohnya bantuan pembelian meter pelanggan, namu dalam beberapa kasus meter yang dibeli mutunya rendah. Akibatnya malah NRW meningkat. Di PERPAMSI sendiri ada program twinning dalam penurunan NRW. Dibeberapa PDAM sudah ada hasil yang menggembirakan. Keberhasilannya tergantung dari PDAM penerima program, yang mempunya komitmen tinggi dan semangat pembeljaran ada jaminan untuk sukses.
Nampaknya home work kita masih banyak, diperlukan upaya bersama untuk menurunkan NRW.
Budi Sutjahjo
> Dear all,
> Nice to witness such an enthusiastic interest for the NRW.
> Few comments however, outside the software issue. Mastering the software logic is a basic necessity but standing alone with the software is not enough. Experience shows that the war against water losses is won in the field, not in the office.
> NRW management is not as simple to implement. It has been the most critical issue and the worst challenge that PDAMs are facing. Lots of initiatives have been developed since more than 15 years through International institutions, tons of reports are available and PDAMs are full of engineers who have already attended dozens workshops, seminars, training sessions on this issue. Nevertheless, results are not meeting the expectations. Improving NRW requires much more than the extremely well designed software from one of the best expert in the world. I have been involved in NRW in Indonesia since more than 10 years and have closely cooperated with Perpamsi, YPTD, World Bank Institute and so many PDAMs as well as private operators. I found extremely smart engineers and strong motivation, but why is NRW issue so complicated and why is it such a big source of frustrations in Indonesia? Why NRW strategy is progressing so slowly in Jakarta, while operators have access to the best software, best technology and best experts in the world? I am not in position to make any statement, but the answer is certainly in the direction of non-technical issues...
> As far as my own experience is concerned, we implemented in 2005, several NRW capacity building programs (including Palembang, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Manado…) during a period of about 3 years. We designed and implemented in each of the PDAMs a specific technical strategy, meeting the specific PDAM profile, considering so many non-technical as well as technical factors specific to each environment (like the operating conditions, tariff, Clients profiles, technical contingencies, topographic and demographic profile, financial wealth and more than everything, the support and commitment from PDAM directors and their Wali Kota and Gubernor). We focused on technical issues and undertook intensive vocational training including in the field and whenever required, at night, together with the members of the NRW team. Having set Key performance indicators, progress was acknowledged, NRW strategy was confirmed as appropriate for the local conditions, proper funding was allocated and adequate management tools were put in place, including human resources and external communication, to meet the specific technical difficulties. Our capacity building program was closely monitored, assessed and then disseminated internally and implemented by the PDAM alone. During the final year, we just got involved as advisers and monitored the progress.
> Whether it was a coincidence or not, whether it was a conjunction of different factors or not, the fact is that during this period and until now, both PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang and PDAM Banjarmasin, were totally transformed, under the leadership of directors who strictly implemented the specifically designed NRW strategy. Progress was rated as exceptional and both PDAMs rewarded at national and international level. They are still promoted as example of sustainable development. Many people, including the team of field technicians and pipe fitters must be congratulated for this achievement.
> To help PDAMs who could not have access to training or could not mobilize external funding to undertake their NRW strategy, together with several Indonesian experts and friends (including pak Budi Sutjahjo) and in close cooperation with Perpamsi, we developed few years ago, the concept of "Klinik NRW", and organized, free consultations during several events organized by PERPAMSI. The target was to profile the several PDAMs, identify appropriate emergency solutions , investigate benchmarking possibilities as well as stimulating new approach from the “patients”. The team of “Doktor NRW” undertook systematic technical “scanning” of the patients, identified the scale of the illness and suggested specific treatment as a preliminary to a more aggressive treatment.
> We got an extremely warm welcome from our "patients" and could generally identify the required global strategies as well as the required "emergency" measures. Unfortunately, PDAMs could not really progress in the implementation stage. The problem was not the lack of technical solutions to improve NRW, but lack of proper funding, lack of commitment, lack of human resources, bad communication and poor internal structure. Only whenever these questions were answered, the technical issue could become the engine of the strategy.
> But we also discovered that technical issues could not be undertaken simply because contingencies (like specifications incompatibilities for instance)were not understood and intensive vocational training was also required at bottom level. Unfortunately, conclusions stressed that the available training tools in Indonesia were not meeting the demand and required a new approach.
> We finally found that many NRW programs collapsed due to the team disintegration and lack of transfer of know-how and lack of persistence. NRW is not a project or a program. It must be integrated in the PDAM mission and vision; It’s a culture which requires comprehensive set of conditions.
> NRW strategy definitely requires a deep understanding of the technical challenges and specific management instruments, including software, to allow mastering the whole and complex range of Water balance questions. But on top of it and in addition of appropriate funding, it also requires leadership and extreme dedication to the target.
> Do not hesitate to call us for assistance, if you feel that Air Kita Foundation can help. I am also sure that any member of the “Doktor NRW” team will be more than happy to share their experience and help you to master Pak Rolland software. Perpamsi can provide the contacts of concerned “experts”. May be pak Budi can also share his own vision and suggestions.
> Have a nice journey through WB-EasyCalc.
> Didier Perez
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